• HOD-Immunology

    Dr Amita Aggarwal

    Professor and Head,
    Department of Clinical Immunology & Rheumatology
    SGPGIMS, Lucknow

About Department

The Department of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology was established in 1987 and was the first department of its kind in the country. The department took a bold step to start the first 3-year training course (DM) in the specialty of Clinical Immunology in 1989 when the speciality did not exist in MCI statute. The department has had a nice mix of clinical, lab and basic science put under one roof.

Since its inception, the department has trained more than70 DM students, 4 PDCC in lab Immunology, 10 short-term trainees and more than 20 PhD students. In addition, we receive visiting students from other countries like US, UK and Nepal.The alumni of this department are spread across India, from Jammu to Trivandrum and from Guwahati to Ahemdabad, Many of its alumni have gone on to establish academic departments in Institutions across the country. Those who went abroad and have also brought laurel’s to the department. The department has conducted pioneering research in various rheumatic diseases, both in the clinical as well as the basic science front. It has received numerous extramural research grants over the years and continues to do so. The department conducts National autoantibody workshop at regular interval and so far 13 such workshops have been done. The department has also hosted many national conferences including annual conference of Indian Rheumatology association, Indian Immunology society, Indian cytometry society. At present, the department trains four DM students every year and has three ongoing PhD trainees. The department strives to be on the forefront of academic and research excellence in the specialty of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology